PC Computing: Gaming Megapac
Gaming Megapac (PC Computing)(Ziff-Davis)(D56A)(1997).ISO
Text File
135 lines
BackWeb Beta Version 0.9
For the latest information see http://www.backweb.com
System Requirements
Operating System: Windows 3.11 with Microsoft Win32S installed
(Win32S is included in this CD).
Minimum Hardware: 486-66 Mhz, 16 MB RAM
Disk Space: 4MB for the BackWeb software and 6MB per Channel (or
you set the amount per Channel)
Internet Connection: Either direct connection or 14.4 Kbps Modem or higher
Web browser: Either Netscape Navigator 2.0 or higher or Microsoft
Explorer 2.0 or higher
Before you begin, make sure you are running Windows 3.11.
Installing Win32S
If you do not have Win32S installed in your machine, or you have an old
version, you need to install it.
1. In the directory \CLIENT\WIN311\WIN32S double-click the file pw1118.exe.
This will extract several files.
2. Double-click the setup.exe file that was extracted. This will install
Win32S in your machine.
3. At the end of the installation you will be prompted to reboot the
machine. You should do this before installing BackWeb.
Installing Backweb
1. In the CD drive, change directory to \CLIENT\WIN311
2. Double-click on the SETUP.EXE file to install BackWeb on your computer.
3. Following installation, BackWeb is launched and you are taken on a
"guided tour" of the system where you can go through Quick Setup steps
to customize BackWeb to meet your specific needs.
Quick Setup will enable you to:
* Specify whether InfoPaks should be automatically or manually played.
* Register to channels of your choice from a Channel Directory.
* Specify the maximum amount of disk space per channel that you wish
to allow for the storage of InfoPaks.
The following is relevant to users who are connected to the Internet
through a firewall, or through an on-line service that maintains a
By default, BackWeb requires that your corporate firewall allows
UDP packets with destination port 370 to go out from your network to
the Internet, and UDP packets with destination port 371 to come in
from the Internet to your network.
You can select the UDP port through which BackWeb will connect to the
Internet from the Advanced Settings dialog in the Connection tab
of the Setup dialog.
Known Issues
1. BackWeb software configures your browser to include a registration
helper application. If for some reason this setting is missing, you may
enable registration via Web sites by the following steps.
If you are using Netscape Navigator:
Open Netscape Navigator. Select General Preferences in the Options menu.
Click on the Helpers tab and Create New Type. Enter 'application' in the
Mime Type field and 'x-iad' in the Mime Sub Type field. Enter 'iad' in
the File Extensions field. Select the radio button "Launch the
Application", and browse for register.exe in the BackWeb program folder.
The default location is "C:\Program Files\BackWeb\BackWeb\program".
Click OK to close the dialog.
If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer:
Open the Options dialog in the view menu. Click on the File Types tab.
Click on the New Type button. Fill in the following values in the
corresponding fields.
Description of type: BackWeb Registration
Associated extension: .iad
Content type (MIME): application/x-iad
Default Extension: .iad
Make sure to uncheck Confirm Open After Download.
Click on the New button to open the New Action Dialog. Enter 'open' in
the Action field. Browse for register.exe in the BackWeb program folder.
The default location is "C:\Program Files\BackWeb\BackWeb\program".
Click OK to close the dialog. Close the parent dialogs by clicking the
Close button.
If you are using a different browser, you may look for the instructions
on how to associate actions with MIME types and extensions. Associate
MIME type application/x-iad and the extension .iad with the program
"C:\Program Files\BackWeb\BackWeb\program\register.exe".
2. In some cases where the Netscape browser was unable to locate the
server of the given URL, it becomes impossible to invoke Web pages from
BackWeb. In order to continue, click on the OK button in the Netscape
window to close the "Unable to locate server <URL>" message box.
3. Plug-in applications launched from InfoPaks may produce sound even
when the InfoPak is muted.
4. If you have installed a plug-in or QuickTime / QuickTime VR software
during the current BackWeb session, you still may not receive InfoPaks
that include such plug-ins. In order to recognize the installed plug-ins,
shut down BackWeb (from the File menu) and re-launch BackWeb using the
system Start button. Alternatively, you may restart your system so that
BackWeb will be automatically re-launched.